Lila's stats:
Weight: 10 pounds 15 ounces
Height: 23 inches
I think it is darling how you can see her personality in these photos. Doesn't she look like a princess in this outfit, thank you Shellie! Oh my little princess LOVES to talk! Every time we put her in the swing she looks at her mobile with the sea animals and just babbles on and on.
Lila sleeps from 9pm until 4:30 then nurses and goes back to bed until Miles comes in at 8am. It has been so fun to watch her personality develop. Lila is such a happy content little gal and I feel soooo lucky to have her in our lives!
New Things Lila can do: talk, talk, talk, and somehow she manages to find herself sideways in the crib each morning.
Favorite things: SMILE! she smiles sooo much, also hearing her mamas voice
Places Lila went: Topeka, Stockton, and Phillipsburg
Special Events: We attended a Mother's Day celebration in honor of Alice Carpenter (great-grandmother) It was a bittersweet celebration as she loved entertaining family but we all celebrated in memory of her. I had a special relationship with her and miss her! We also traveled to Stockton Kansas for Amanda French's(cousin) high school graduation. We stayed at Great grandpa Joe and great grandma Darla's house and then on to Phillipsburg to see Grandpa Terry, Grandma Cheri, Aunt Stephanie, and cousin Hunter. In Stockton we also had a BBQ with my biological family and the boys had so much fun playing with everyone.
What a cutie! Adorable outfit!! Can't wait to see you guys on Wednesday!
So Cute! I love the first picture. It's like she's saying hi.
Oh, she's so cute CC! What fun you must be having!
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