Thursday, October 8, 2009

My list of To Do's

Well with the unknown situation at hand I thought I better start preparing a list of to do's before I head to Wichita on the 16th of Nov. I hope this motivates me to keep crossing them off as I get them accomplished. Wish me luck!

1. Pay bills and leave password, addresses, and dates for husband to do the rest.
2. Create a calendar of upcoming events for whomever is taking care of my family.
3. Prepare meals and freeze them for hubby!
4. Prepare an overnight bag of essentials in case I need for emergency.
5. Pack up my house for the move on Nov. 5th.
6. Make a contact sheet of important numbers.

Am I missing something?


Jennifer Hood said...

Let us know if we can help in any way...the boys are welcome to come over anytime!

Tiffany said...

Yes, breathe...and ask for help :) We are all here to help in whatever way possible!